CONVEGNO - Venezia - 12/03/2013

AlmaLaurea Conference - Venice, 12th March

Investing in Young People: If Not Now, When?

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  • supported by:

    Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
    Ministry of Education,
    Universities and Research

    with the patronage of:

    Minister of Labour and Social Policies

    Conference of Italian
    University Rectors (CRUI)

    sponsored by:


The 15th AlmaLaurea Survey on Graduates’ Employment Conditions has involved more than 400,000 graduates from all 64 Universities that are members of AlmaLaurea (7 more than last year). The Survey contains the main characteristics of the employment conditions of graduates from the years 2011, 2009, 2007 who were interviewed 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation. Given the high response rate (87% at one year, 80% at three years, 77% at five years), the outcome of this Survey is highly reliable and instrumental to assess the effectiveness of the University system and to measure the level of appreciation and employability of graduates on the national and foreign job markets.

As was the case in the past, also this year the Survey offers the possibility of analysing both the short-term trends and the medium- to long-term developments which have characterized the graduates’ job market.

The general outline and main conclusions of the Survey on Graduates’ Employment Conditions in this period of crisis will be presented. Suggestions will be given for reflecting on themes which are part of the political agenda and on issues of general interest, with particular focus on the topic of investing in research, education and, therefore, young people as a priority for our Country. At the same time, all documentation - broken down according to the Universities, faculties, years and degree courses - will be available on the AlmaLaurea Website.

Among the various aspects and trends detected in the Survey, also this year a few have been selected for more thorough analysis.

One of these themes is inequality and social mobility among graduates. The transformations which have occurred worldwide following globalization and the dissemination of new technologies have brought about significant changes in the international division of labour and wealth distribution between and within countries. In various ways and to a different extent, these changes have affected workers with different qualifications. The topic of inequality is closely linked to that of social mobility: in our country, the social background still affects the educational/occupational choices and outcomes. Aim of this in-depth analysis is to examine how the recent transformations have impacted on the graduates’ cluster  and altered the level of inequality of access to education and employment outcomes.

The presentation of the results based on the documentation collected by AlmaLaurea will be followed by a general outline of the situation and a round table with comments from the audience.

A second in-depth analysis will be about the issue of demand and supply of skills and competences and related topics (job mismatch, effectiveness of the degree, training schemes etc.).

In the last few years, there has been on-going debate on education and higher education reforms as well as on the actual requirements of the Italian graduates. The education reform debate has mainly focused on the mismatch between demand and supply of human capital which is a common trait – to some extent even natural – of the interaction between the educational systems and the job market. This is confirmed by the high level of attention paid to this issue also abroad and, more recently, by the international organizations dealing with training and education. Again, the presentation of the results based on the documentation collected by AlmaLaurea will be followed by a general outline of the situation and a round table with comments from the audience.

The Conference will be attended by Rectors from other Countries, delegates from the European Commission, the World Bank and the Union for the Mediterranean, with whom - in the days following the meeting – the 3-year cooperation projects approved by the European Union with the Universities of Morocco, Tunisia, Armenia, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro will be officially launched.



Welcome Addresses:
Carlo CARRARO (Rector, Ca’ Foscari University)
Francesco PROFUMO (Minister for Education, Universities, and Research)
Stefano FANTONI (President, ANVUR)

Chair: Fabio Alberto ROVERSI MONACO (President, AlmaLaurea)

15th Survey on Graduates’ Employment Conditions
Andrea CAMMELLI (Director AlmaLaurea)

Chair: Agar BRUGIAVINI (Ca’ Foscari University)

Special focuses:

The Gender Pay Gap among Graduates
Enrico BARTOLINI, Sara BINASSI and Valentina CONTI (AlmaLaurea)

Social Mobility among Graduates
Silvia GHISELLI (AlmaLaurea) and Giancarlo ROVATI (Catholic of Milan)

Round Table Introductory Speech:
Education, Inequality and Social Mobility
Andrea BRANDOLINI (Bank of Italy)

Round Table:
Education, Inequality and Social Mobility: A Family Affair?

Giancarlo GASPERONI (University of Bologna, AlmaLaurea)

Chiara SARACENO (University of Turin)
Anna MARENZI (Ca’ Foscari University)
Daniele CHECCHI (University of Milan)
Antonio SCHIZZEROTTO (University of Trento)


Adalberto PERULLI (Ca’ Foscari University)

Special focuses:

Degree Effectiveness
Chiara CIMINI and Claudia GIROTTI (AlmaLaurea)

Graduates’ Job Satisfaction
Domenico PICCOLO (Federico II University of Naples)

Round Table Introductory Speech:
Skill Demand and Supply
Stefano SCARPETTA (Deputy Director, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs OECD)

Round Table:
Skill Demand and Supply: Scenarios and Challenges

Francesco FERRANTE (UCLAM, AlmaLaurea)

Cristina FREGUJA (Director of Socio-Economic Statistics, ISTAT)
Ivan LO BELLO (Vice President and Head of Education, Confindustria)
Domenico MAURIELLO (Excelsior Project Manager, Unioncamere)
Michael GAEBEL (Higher Education Policy Unit, European University Association)
GILBERTO ANTONELLI (University of Bologna)

Scenarios and Challenges at the international level: AlmaLaurea’s Answers

Fabio Alberto ROVERSI MONACO (President, AlmaLaurea)

Gianni PITTELLA (Vice President European Parliament)
Doris PACK (President of the European Parliament’s Culture and Education Commission)
Abdelaziz SADOK (President, University of Oujda, Morocco)
Abdelwaheb DOGUI (President, University of Monastir, Tunisia)
Francisco MARMOLEJO (Higher Education Coordinator World Bank, Washington)
Sherif YOUNIS (Business Development & Project Funding Coordination, Union for the Mediterranean)
Cristiano FRAGASSA (University of  Bologna, Project Coordinator  Adria-Hub)

Ignazio VISCO (Governor, Bank of Italy)



Presentation of the AlmaLaurea services for companies

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Auditorium Santa Margherita

Dorsoduro 3689 - 30123 (VE)

Tel: +39 041 234 9906 / 9904
Fax: + 39 041 234 9998



Secretariat AlmaLaurea
tel. + 39 051 6088919
fax. + 39 051 6088988

I&C s.r.l.
Via A. Costa, 202/6
40134, Bologna - Italy
tel. + 39 051 6144004
fax. + 39 051 6142772