Recruiting events

AlmaLaurea srl supports companies with recruiting events that are able to reach candidates in a targeted manner and to create direct contact between the company and current and prospective graduates from all over the country.

AL Lavoro career days are the ideal opportunity to carry out recruiting, employer branding and networking activities in large Italian university cities. Meet graduates and invite the best profiles to a one-to-one interview.

The AL Lavoro Digital Edition calendar offers a diverse range of events, from those focused to specific geographical macro-areas to those aimed at highlighting significant themes or industrial sectors.

The digital recruiting day dedicated to the most sought-after profiles in the working world. Five separate proposals focusing on Information Technology, Technical Engineers, STEM, Finance & Management and Sales & Marketing

Would you like to know more about our recruiting events?

Request information by filling in an ad hoc form. Our staff will get in touch with you at the contact details provided.

Do you need us?

Contact us to find out more!

Freephone number
800 242119

Mon-Fri 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, 2.00 to 5.30 pm