Register to AlmaLaurea

Enter, register and create your own CV

Would you take advantage of the opportunities that AlmaLaurea offers to students and graduates? Register now, it's easy!

AlmaLaurea's database is open to you too for an easier match between job supply and demand! It is yearly consulted by over 2,000 Italian and multinational companies for seeking qualified professional profiles.

Still not part of our database?

  • are you currently enrolled in an Italian or international university degree programme, professional master's or PhD programme in a AFAM or ITS institution?
  • did you obtain a degree or a postgraduate qualification before your university joined AlmaLaurea?
  • have you obtained a degree, a postgraduate qualification or are you currently enrolled in a degree programme at a foreign university or one that is not a member of our Consortium?

AlmaLaurea preocesses your CV and makes it immediately available!

Register now!

How to get the very best out of your AlmaLaurea CV

Update your CV:

an up-to-date CV is the most effective way to find a job

Tailor your AlmaLaurea CV:

include your study, internship and work experiences in Italy or abroad, soft skills, foreign language and computer skills, an abstract of your dissertation

Make your CV flexible:

it only takes a few clicks to enhance your experience according to what you find most useful to communicate in a job application or interview

Use your CV:

apply for job offers in line with your profile and register for recruiting events.

More details in numbers


università aderenti al Consorzio


CV certificati in banca dati


CV scaricati nel 2022

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Please go to 'FAQs and Contact Us' section to find out all the information you may need.

Our FAQs

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Contact us for any information and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Freephone number800 720772

Mon-Thu9.00 am to 1.30 pm - 2.30 to 4.00 pm

Fri9.00 am to 1.30 pm

Live chat

Mon-Thu9.00 am to 1.30 pm - 2.30 to 4.00 pm

Fri9.00 am to 1.30 pm