Discover all the university training opportunities
Your dream job and the degree programme that can help you get there
Do you think that university is not the right path for you? Here is an overview of further opportunities to complete your educational path (in italian)
Eventi di orientamento e open day
Empower Your Skills! Dai valore al tuo talento con Indeed, Umana e Canva - Open new browser tab
Webinar di presentazione di Gpi - Open new browser tab
4. Ph.D Days VIII Ed.-Placement for Ph.D – Ph.D. e BREVETTI (Proff. V. Di Cataldo e S. Sortino) - Open new browser tab
The Guide for students
These contents are currently only available in Italian
The Glossary
the words to understand, how to orient yourself between EQF, joint degrees, double degrees, entrance tests, degree programme classes...
Right to study
everything you need to know about the services provided by regional administrations...
The university system
how it is structured, the different types of degree programmes and their levels...
The universities that are part of AlmaLaurea
Since 1994 AlmaLaurea has been monitoring, mapping and supporting Italian universities: what degree and post-degree courses are offered, what are the professional opportunities they lead to and what are the outcomes. We can thus draw a picture, in continuous evolution, of the way in which our country changes, in relation to the world of studies and the world of work. Today AlmaLaurea represents 78 universities.
Discover them nowAny doubts or questions?
Please go to 'FAQs and Contact Us' section to find out all the information you may need.
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Mon-Thu9.00 am to 1.30 pm - 2.30 to 4.00 pm
Fri9.00 am to 1.30 pm
Mon-Thu9.00 am to 1.30 pm - 2.30 to 4.00 pm
Fri9.00 am to 1.30 pm