per le imprese

For Media

AlmaLaurea's whole rich informative and statistical heritage is made available to journalists and press offices with specific releases, reports and infographics.
We are also available for interviews and commentaries.

Here's what you'll find in AlmaLaurea

Trustworthy and comparable data:

the safety of a reliable source


on graduates, professional master'graduates and PhD graduates

In-depth studies

on degree programme classes, professions and other topics of interest

AlmaLaurea data

AlmaLaurea photographs the state of the Italian University every year, degrees, phd, masters. Who are the graduates, what schools do they come from, what paths they follow and what jobs they find ...
The investigationsThe data

Graduates within prescribed degree completion time

Detail sheet

Graduates 2023 by field of study

Detail sheet

Rankings: how reliable are they?

With rankings, there is a risk of making hasty judgements that put the employment usefulness of different educational paths in doubt: we can explain why. (in italian)

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