CONVEGNO - Bologna - 02/03/2007


University-to-work transition
in Italy and in Europe

  • Presentation
  • Programme
  • supported by:
    Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
    Ministero dell'Università
    e della Ricerca

    Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

    in collaboration with:

    Regione Emilia Romagna

    Consorzio Interuniversitario CINECA

    Fondazione Carisbo

    with the patronage of:
    Provincia di Bologna
    Provincia di Bologna

    Comune di Bologna
    Comune di Bologna


Knowledge of the major aspects and most significant pathways in graduates’ transition to the labour market provides fundamental feedback information not only to the higher education institutions that have trained them, but also to the production system at large, in particular to the sectors of research and public administration. Furthermore, any such survey is all the more useful when it can draw upon reliable and up-to-date information.

The presentation of the 9th ALMALAUREA Study on the Employment Conditions of Italian University Graduates will be accompanied by a wide reflection on the university-to-work transition in the main European Countries. The second European survey of university graduates’ employment conditions (in 11 European countries and Japan) at 5 years after graduation (REFLEX-Research into Employment and professional FLEXibility) will be presented. The Survey funded by the EU and supported by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, has been carried out in Italy jointly by ALMALAUREA and Istituto IARD "Franco Brambilla".

The EUROALMALAUREA-NET project, supported by the EU as part of the eTEN Programme, which is aimed at the Europe-wide extension of the graduates’ database will celebrate the conclusion of its pilot phase. The Rectors of the European Universities involved in the project will be present, it’s an opportunity to draw up guidelines for the future development.

Based on the large number of universities and graduates involved (more than 89,000 graduates from 40 Italian universities) and on the graduates’ interest and accessibility (85% of the telephone interviews was obtained from graduates one year subsequent to their degree, 83% respectively three years and 76 % five years), and taking into account the time interval under observation (data was obtained from graduates from 2005, 2003 and 2001), the documentation gathered as part of the 9th Study offers a reliable cross-section of the general situation and important insights for further in-depth analysis.

Moreover the Survey will permit to examine the graduate employment conditions and/or study the situation of the first-level degree (almost 17.000, with the 89% respond rate) one year after graduation, thus monitoring the progress of the university reform. The presentation of the Study will also enable to make an inquiry regarding long-term Graduate Employment Conditions (10 years after graduation), time required to enter the labour market, effectiveness of degrees in scientific sectors, stability and precariousness in graduate’s job, post-graduate studies efficacy on the labour market, graduate’s earnings, usefulness of competences achieved during the university experience in foreign countries.


PPresentation of the:

  • 9th AlmaLaurea Survey of Italian Graduate Employment
  • REFLEX Survey on Graduate Employment of European Graduates
  • EuroAlmaLaurea-Net Project

Friday 2 March 2007, at 3.00 pm

Luigi BUSETTO (Vice-Rector University of Bologna)

Gilberto ANTONELLI (University of Bologna)

Long-term Graduate Employment Conditions: results 10 years after graduation
Angelo di FRANCIA (AlmaLaurea), Giancarlo GASPERONI (University of Bologna) and Silvia GHISELLI (AlmaLaurea)

After the University Reform: the graduate employment and/or study conditions, the situation of the first-level degree
Giunio LUZZATTO (University of Genua) and Renato STELLA (University of Padua)

Graduates and equal opportunity on the labour market
Daniela DEL BOCA (University of Turin) and Erasmo PAPAGNI (Seconda Univ. of Napoli)

The time taken by graduates to enter the labour market
Antonio SCHIZZEROTTO (University of Trento) and Giuseppe ESPA (University of Trento)

Scientific degrees and labour market
Bruno CHIANDOTTO (AlmaLaurea), Marisa CIVARDI e Nello SCARABOTTOLO (Stella Project)

Stability and precariousness of job, between public and private sector
Mario CENTORRINO (University of Messina) and Emilio REYNERI (University of Milan Bicocca)

Post-graduate studies and employment
Umberto MARGIOTTA (University of Venice Ca’ Foscari), Giuseppe SILVESTRI (University of Palermo)

Graduate’s earnings
Piero CIPOLLONE (Banca d'Italia), Francesco FERRANTE and Giovanni PORZIO (University of Cassino)

The university experience in foreign countries: competences achieved and competences used on the Italian labour market
Maria Cristina PEDICCHIO (University of Trieste), Maria Sticchi DAMIANI (Luiss University - National delegate of Socrates/Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus)

Long life learning and professional career
Giuseppe RONSISVALLE (University of Catania)

Saturday 3 March 2007, at 9.30 am

Introduction by: Pier Ugo CALZOLARI (Rector University of Bologna)
Chairman: Fabio ROVERSI MONACO (President of AlmaLaurea)

Presentation of the 9th ALMALAUREA Study on the Employment Conditions of Graduates at one, three and five years after graduation
Andrea CAMMELLI (Director of AlmaLaurea)

Presentation of REFLEX - the second European survey of university graduates’ employment conditions in Europe (and in Japan) at 5 years after graduation
Rolf VAN DER VELDEN (University of Maastricht- European coordinator of the Research), Antonio DE LILLO (President of the Institute IARD- Italian Coordinator)

Presentation of the EuroAlmaLaurea-EAL-Net Project (
Angelo GUERRIERO, Alberto LEONE (AlmaLaurea), with a participation of Rectors of the European Universities and Companies involved in the EAL-NET project.

Roundtable discussion, at 11.00 am

Human Resources trained by Universities as a contribution to a knowledge-based society and to Italian and European development


  • Fabio MUSSI (Minister of the Higher Education and Research, the Hon)
  • Cesare DAMIANO (Minister of Employment and Social Security, the Hon)
  • Enrico DECLEVA (Vicepresident of the Conference of Italian University Rectors - CRUI)
  • Georg WINCKLER (President of the European University Association - EUA)
  • Giuseppe DE RITA (President of the CENSIS)
  • Sergio TREVISANATO (President of the ISFOL)
  • Duccio CAMPAGNOLI (Councillor for Productive Activities in the Emilia Romagna Region)
  • Alberto FORCHIELLI (President of Osservatorio Asia)
  • Antonio GOLINI (University of Roma La Sapienza)
  • Alberto MEOMARTINI (President of the University and Guidance commission, Confindustria)
  • Augusto PALOMBINI (Secretary of the Italian Doctorate students and PhDs Association)
  • Gabriele MENEGATTI (Former Italian Ambassador in China)
  • European Commissioner in charge of education, training, culture and multilingualism

A speech to round off the conference will be given by the President of the Italian Council of Ministers, the Hon. Romano PRODI

3.30 pm Meeting with Foreign Universities delegations for the EAL-NET Project