CONVEGNO - Ferrara - 25/02/2005


University-to-work transition in Italy

  • Presentation
  • Programme
  • supported by:

    Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
    Ministero dell'Istruzione,
    e della Ricerca

    with the patronage of:

    Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane

    Regione Emilia Romagna

    Comune di Ferrara
    Comune di Ferrara

    Provincia di Ferrara
    Provincia di Ferrara

    supported by:
    Università di Ferrara

    Università di Ferrara


Investigating and identifying the major aspects and most significant pathways in graduates’ transition to the labour market provides fundamental feedback information not only to the higher education institutions that have trained them, but also to the production system at large, in particular to the sectors of research and public administration. Furthermore, any such survey is all the more useful when it can draw upon reliable and up-to-date information. This year, with the setting up by the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research of the Students’ Registry and, at a later date, of the Graduates’ Registry, this survey will become even more important.

Given the high number of institutions and graduates involved (55,000), the remarkable interest shown by participants (82 graduates out of 100 have replied to the telephone interview) as well as the time span under consideration (the survey covered graduates of the years 2003, 2001 and 1999 interviewed 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation), the documentation gathered as part of the 7th Study offers a reliable cross-section of the general situation and important insights for further in-depth analysis.

The presentation of the 7th ALMALAUREA Study on the Employment Conditions of Italian University Graduates will also provide an opportunity to outline the objectives of three major international projects in which ALMALAUREA is directly involved. The second European survey of university graduates’ employment conditions in 12 countries 5 years after graduation (REFLEX-Research into Employment and professional FLEXibility), funded by the EU and supported by the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, which will be carried out in Italy jointly by ALMALAUREA and Istituto IARD "Franco Brambilla". The GRADUA2 European-Latin American Project (ALFA Programme), involving 10 European universities and an equal number of Latin-American institutes, which is aimed at developing good practices within universities and at monitoring the employment conditions of graduates. The EUROALMALAUREA-NET pilot project, supported by the EU as part of the eTEN Programme, which is aimed at the Europe-wide extension of the graduates’ database to include Eastern European countries.


Presentation of the 7th ALMALAUREA Study
on University Graduate Employment Conditions


Morning session, 9:30 a.m.

Introductory speech by Patrizio BIANCHI, Rector Magnificus of the University of Ferrara

Chairman: Fabio ROVERSI MONACO (President of the ALMALAUREA Interuniversity Consortium)

Presentation of the 7th ALMALAUREA Report on employment conditions
Andrea CAMMELLI (Director of the ALMALAUREA Interuniversity Consortium)

Piero TOSI (Chairman of the Rectors’ Conference of Italian Universities)

Olimpia MARCELLINI (General Director for students - Ministry for Education, Universities and Research)

Guido FIEGNA (National Committee for the Assessment of the University System)

Cristiano VIOLANI (National Board of Universities)

Piergiacomo SIBIANO (Chairman of the Students’ Board of the University of Bologna - CNSU)

Maurizio SACCONI (Under-secretary for Labour and Social Politics)

Luca CORDERO DI MONTEZEMOLO (President, Italian Manufacturers’ Association - Confindustria)*

Letizia MORATTI (Minister for Education, University and Research)*

Afternoon session, 3:00 p.m.
Chairman: Patrizio BIANCHI, Rector Magnificus of the University of Ferrara

Laura BALBO (University of Padua)
Alberto MEOMARTINI (Italian Manufacturers’ Association - Confindustria)
Giorgio VITTADINI (University of Milano Bicocca)
Maria Paola POTESTIO (University of Rome 3)
Gilberto SERAVALLI-Maura FRANCHI (University of Parma)
Pasquale PERSICO (University of Salerno)
Gianfranco VIESTI (University of Bari)

Rolf VAN DER VELDEN (Maastrich University - Co-ordinator of the REFLEX survey)

Teofilo RAMOS (Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico - Co-ordinator of the ALFA-GRADUA2 project)

* videorecorded speech.