High-Flyers Day - Technical Engineers: l’evento online per incontrare i migliori laureati in ingegneria

High-Flyers Day è l'evento nato per favorire l'incontro tra le aziende e laureandi e neolaureati fortemente motivati a muovere i primi passi nel mondo del lavoro.

High-Flyers Day Technical Engineers si configura come una concreta occasione per facilitare l'incontro tra le aziende e uno dei segmenti di laureati più ricercati sul mercato del lavoro.

Le classi di laurea coinvolte:

  • Ingegneria Meccanica
  • Ingegneria Elettronica
  • Ingegneria Elettrica
  • Ingegneria dell'Automazione
  • Ingegneria Meccatronica
  • Ingegneria Energetica
  • Ingegneria Gestionale


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Clone of Why participate in AL Lavoro?

Employer branding

with targeted pre-event communications and company booth

One-to-one interviews

only with graduates corresponding with your recruiting needs

Download CVs

of graduates interested in your company

Clone of How can we help you?

In the search and selection process

The AlmaLaurea srl team assists you by defining the profile you are looking for, selecting a limited number of candidates and supporting you at all stages of the selection process, according to your needs.

Our method? A constant dialogue with your company, remaining directly involved during all stages of the selection process.

Organising a Recruiting Day

We give you the opportunity to organise a digital recruiting day dedicated exclusively to your company, to meet your placement needs.

The 100% digital formula provides the best combination of efficiency and practicality, but the Recruiting Day can also be organised on your company's premises.

Why participate in High-Flyers Day?

Pre-selection of participants

You’re sure to interview high-potential profiles. AlmaLaurea pre-selects participants based on both their CVs and their motivation to meet with participating companies.

Candidate experience

You will associate your brand with an event that is highly valued by current and prospective graduates.
Over 85% of the participants said they were satisfied with the format.

Database construction

In addition to the 20 interviews you will conduct on the day of the event, you will receive up to 100 CVs of targeted candidates who took part in the selection process for the event.

I numeri di High-Flyers Day 2023

More details in numbers


participating companies


online interviews


CVs sent after the event


of candidates continue the selection process in the company

Testimonials from companies participating in High-Flyers Day

@A2A Alessandra Cicciarella, Human Resources Recruiter

"Thanks to High-Flyers Day Digital Edition we had the opportunity to meet candidates from outside the region, that during events in presence we would not meet. We found them very motivated and prepared, perhaps because they had more time to look for information about the company, the projects and the future challenges, so they were more decided on what at the moment they are looking for and in line with the needs of the company".

SACMI Elena Corona, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding

"Thanks to the High-Flyers Day Digital Edition organized by almalaurea srl we had the chance to know, through video job interviews, very brilliant recent graduates of several Italian universities, some of which have already become our colleagues in the different national plants [...] We will surely repeat the experience to meet in the future new graduates who will face the world of work".

COESIA Alida Nuvola, Talent Acquisition Specialist

"The event provides a dynamic, modern and attractive candidate experience for candidates who have the opportunity to make themselves known by many important companies and have the opportunity to discover and deepen what the current job market offers.
The High-Flyers Day, therefore, allowed us to know, in a dedicated day, undergraduates and graduates from different Italian universities. Being candidates already pre-selected by the almalaurea staff, we also noticed a higher level of preparation and engagement than other events we attended."

Are you interested in this event?

Request information by filling in an ad hoc form. Our staff will get in touch with you at the contact details provided.