Other international collaborations

The international activities of the Consortium include, together with the cooperation projects, other forms of collaboration designed to foster the exchange of good practices and competences at international level for the improvement of higher education systems for the benefit of graduates in third countries, to facilitate the recruitment of qualified human resources and to strengthen the links between academia and firms. Among them: scientific and academic collaboration, joint publications and participation to international events; training and technical assistance activities; set-up of cooperation agreements and framework partnerships. 

The main and most recent publications, events and other international activities AlmaLaurea has contributed to are the following.


Forthcoming release end 2022/beginning 2023: Article "Job Satisfaction and perceived career prospectives", co-authors Valentina Conti, Dorel Manitiu (AlmaLaurea Consortium) and Giulio Pedrini (University of Enna "Kore") in "Young people's career thoughts and wellbeing", edited by Dr. Lizzie Knight (Centre for International research on Education System, Victoria University, Australia) and Dr. Belgin Okay-Somerville, Adam Smith Business Schoool, University of Glasgow.

August 2020: Article “Outcomes of Vietnamese graduates from Italian universities”, author Dorel Manitiu (AlmaLaurea Consortium), in the framework of the Erasmus+ MOTIVE project (https://motive-euproject.net/publications/scientific-publications/). The article has been presented at the occasion of the International Science Conferenece, under the topic ”Culture-Art Education in the context of International integration and Industry revolution 4.0”, organized by National University of Art Education ad Hanoi, Vietnam, in November 2020.

August 2019: Article “Ethnicity and employability: Comparing the outcomes of Albanian and Italian graduates from Italian universities”, co-authors Dorel Manitiu and Silvia Galeazzi (AlmaLaurea Consortium), published on the website of the Erasmus+ GRADUA project: www.graduaproject.com/pubblications.  

August 2017: Article “Youth and graduates labour markets, from a global vision to Italian case” (pp. 13-45), co-authors Dorel Manitiu and Silvia Galeazzi (AlmaLaurea Consortium), in “Ser Diplomado do Ensino Superior: Escolhas, Percursos e Retornos” by A. P. Marques, C. Sá, J. R. Casanova & L. S. Almeida (Orgs.), Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd), Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho. 



February 2022: Eurograduate 2022 - webinar for the pilot countries addressed to the countries interested by the second phase of the Eurogradute survey. The webinar has seen the participation of the members of the European Eurograduate 2022: German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies - DZHW, Institute for Advance Studies IHS (Vienna), Research Center for Education and Labour Market ROA (Maastricht), cApStAn Linguistic quality control (Brussels), together with the national reference points of the 17 countries involved in the initiative.

March 2022: Presentation of the AlmaLaurea integrated model at the occasion of the study visit at UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union – premises of the Libyan delegation comprising the vice-ministry for higher education, international relations officers from Tripoli and Zawia Universities, Expertise France team (French public agency in charge of technical cooperation projects implementation), in the framework of the “Development of private sector in Libya” project promoted by Expertise France and supported by UNIMED.

December 2021: Webinar organized by the ’University of Chester, United Kingdom, “Decent Work” and minority ethnic young people - the case of Vietnam”, where the results of a biennial study “Empowering Ethnic Minority Youth in Vietnam to Re-Vision the Future of Decent Work” (Re-WORK) have been presented. 

June 2020: Webinar presenting the Erasmus+ TUNED project in the framework of the Subnetwork for Employability created as a spin-off of the Erasmus+ RESUME project coordinated by UNIMED, AlmaLaurea having participated as partner; 20 representatives from Algerian, Moroccan, Palestinian and Tunisian universities attended the webinar.  

April 2019: Participation to the Conference “Challenging higher education”, University College, London, United Kingdom.

August 2019: Participation to the Conference “European Sociological Association (ESA) 2019” organized in Manchester, United Kingdom, presenting the working paper “Work, employment and industrial relations”.

December 2018: Participation as keynote speaker to the workshop “1st University-Industry Linkages”, organized by the Asian Development Bank and Peking University in Beijing, China.

October 2018: Participation to the Conference "Development and Prospect on China-EU Cooperation" organized by the European Commission and the Chinese Government in Beijing, China.

July 2018: Participation as keynote speaker to the “Symposium on the Political Economy of Higher Education” organized by the Warwick University, United Kingdom. 


Other activities

March 2021: Preparation of 16 infographics to illustrate the results of the graduates tracking survey run in the framework of the Erasmus+ TUNED project. The activity was funded by the International Bank for Development and Reconstruction in Tunisia upon request of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

May 2018: Training to the Director of the Career Centre of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (Lebanon), in the framework of the Erasmus+ RESUME project, aimed at assessing the possibility to adapt to Lebanese students and firms the university/labour market intermediation tools developed by AlmaLaurea. 

July 2018: Technical Assistance Mission in Uzbekistan, in the framework of the HERE (Higher Education Reform Experts) programme upon invitation of the European Commission aimed at training Uzbek universities on the integrated model for matching supply of and demand for graduates labour promoted by AlmaLaurea.

December 2017: Technical Assistance Mission in Algeria, in the framework of the HERE (Higher Education Reform Experts) programme upon invitation of the European Commission aimed at training Uzbek universities on the integrated model for matching supply of and demand for graduates labour promoted by AlmaLaurea.

January 2017: Framework partnership AlmaLaurea/Italian Chamber of Commerce in China.  The framework partnership, defined under the aegis of the Italian Embassy in China, is aimed at: promoting the placement of Italian graduates in China and of Chinese graduates in Italy; facilitating the recruitment of qualified human resources by Chinese and Italian firms; monitoring the performances of Chinese graduates in Italy; strengthening the links between academia and firms in both countries; promoting services and activities of both parts also through the organization of joint events (international career days); promoting the future development of cooperation projects including those funded by the European Union; promoting joint activities aimed at the presentation of career opportunities for young graduates. 

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