Rely on AlmaLaurea for selections

Graduate Selection: a range of search and selection services provided by the AlmaLaurea team to meet the recruiting needs of your company.






How can we help you?

In the search and selection process

The AlmaLaurea srl team assists you by defining the profile you are looking for, selecting a limited number of candidates and supporting you at all stages of the selection process, according to your needs.

Our method? A constant dialogue with your company, remaining directly involved during all stages of the selection process.

Organising a Recruiting Day

We give you the opportunity to organise a digital recruiting day dedicated exclusively to your company, to meet your placement needs.

The 100% digital formula provides the best combination of efficiency and practicality, but the Recruiting Day can also be organised on your company's premises.

Why choose AlmaLaurea Graduate Selection services?

CV database

A database with more than 3 million CVs of experienced and prospective graduates from any degree programme, all over Italy.

Expert team

To have at your disposal a team of experts in the main search and selection techniques, both individual and group.

Targeted selection

To assess technical expertise, soft skills and identify the most suitable candidate for the company's real needs through a specially designed selection process.

Are you looking for further information?

Fill in the form below. Our staff will get in touch with you at the contact details provided.

Do you need us?

Contact us to find out more!

Freephone number
800 242119

Mon-Fri 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, 2.00 to 5.30 pm