AL Lavoro Tour

AL Lavoro is the career fair format organised by AlmaLaurea srl to combine Campus Recruiting and Employer Branding.

A service designed to meet the needs of local, national and multinational companies wishing to meet with and talk to students and current and prospective graduates from all over Italy who are motivated and satisfy the company’s recruiting requirements.

To meet everyone's needs, AL Lavoro organises some events in a digital format and others in person while always safeguarding everybody’s safety. The variety of options available allows you to choose the event that best suits your strategy.

AL Lavoro: here are the stops on the 2024 tour

Digital events

Triveneto > 18th - 22nd March

Sicily > 8th - 12th April

Puglia > 11th - 15th November

Empower Young Women > 25th - 29th November

In person events

Naples > 9th May

Milan > 28th May (Networking Edition)

Rome > 10th October

Turin > 24th October


Why participate in AL Lavoro?

Employer branding

with targeted pre-event communications and company booth

One-to-one interviews

only with graduates corresponding with your recruiting needs

Download CVs

of graduates interested in your company

Channels where your company will be visible:

AlmaLaurea website

Events section that is always up to date and full of events

Targeted emails

Mailings to lists of targeted current and prospective graduates in the AlmaLaurea database

Social channels

Promotion of the event on our social pages

AlmaGo app

Reach current and prospective graduates on smartphones and tablets

Numbers from the 2023 edition:

More details in numbers


pre-registered for the event


one-to-one interviews


participating companies

The testimonies of the companies participating in AL Lavoro

Cristina Brotto - Talent Acquisition Assistant


"I have to say that we were very satisfied with the event that you organized. The workshop definitely had a high paticipation and it was a way to make us known by many students, who perhaps did not know who we were.
The students' preparation has been greater than what typically happens at a classic Career Day stand, thus making these short talks much more effective and focused than usual".

Francesca Caldi -  Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Specialist


"The biggest advantage of the AL Lavoro - Digital Edition format is that it can reach a large number of potential candidates while remaining comfortably "all at home" and often shortening the time between the various selection steps. The online interview allows the candidate to stay in a comfort zone. As often happens, in fact, most of the interviews are supported from home so the family context helps".


Angela Battista, HR Recruiter


"AL Lavoro è un'esperienza sempre utile per chi si occupa di recruiting: ti permette, infatti, di incontrare numerosi studenti e studentesse, favorendo da un lato lo scambio di idee e opinioni e dall’altro l'incontro di diversi background formativi e professionali. Grazie a tutto lo staff di Almalaurea che cura l'evento nei minimi dettagli, prestando attenzione sia all'esperienza dei partecipanti sia dei referenti delle aziende presenti!"

Are you interested in this event?

Request information by filling in an ad hoc form. Our staff will get in touch with you at the contact details provided.

Do you need us?

Contact us to find out more!

Freephone number
800 242119

Mon-Fri 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, 2.00 to 5.30 pm