Two-days workshop in the framework of the STRIVE project in Hanoi

The two days workshop, foreseen in the framework of the STRIVE project WP.2. “Overview on Erasmus+ programme in higher education sector” was held in Vietnam, hosted by the University of Hanoi from 10 to 11 September 2024.
Entitled “Workshop on available tool”, it was addressed to university staff working in the international field, in project management and in international cooperation aiming at allow the attendees to be acquainted with the tools made available by the European Commission for partnership building, search of funding opportunities, Grant management and reporting.

The workshop was attended by more than 40 university staff members, in presence and remotely, from the STRIVE project consortium (University of Hanoi, Phu Xuan University, Quang Ninh University and National Academy of Public Administration, European partners of AlmaLaurea, University of Évora and the University of Tuscia) as well as Ha Long university new to the project.  A delegation from the University of Panteion, Greece also took part to the event.

The main contents of the training provided by the project consortium partners having longlasting experience in these fields covered the following topics: an introduction to the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal; Grant preparation process for Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE projects; Grant Management for Erasmus2 CBHE projects; process of Erasmus+ KA171 mobility projects; Grant Management of Erasmus+ KA171 mobility projects.

The meeting was the occasion to share knowledge and experience in the preparation and implementation of university staff and students mobility initiatives as well as in the carry out of the Erasmus+ capacity building in higher education programme.

A broader discussion based on the sharing of experiences opened up on future cooperation prospects, in particular aimed at enhancing the capacity building activities, core of the STRIVE project,  at the benefit of emerging Vietnamese universities.

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