The two days “Training on project design & management”, focused on how to prepare an Erasmus+ CBHE project proposal, was held in Viet Nam, hosted by Phu Xuan University.
The workshop, foreseen in STRIVE Project WP3 “Capacity building on project design and management”, was attended by about 30 university staff members, in presence and remotely, from the STRIVE project consortium (University of Hanoi, Phu Xuan University, Quang Ninh University and National Academy of Public Administration from Vietnam and the European partners of AlmaLaurea, University of Évora and University of Tuscia) as well as from vietnamese universities new to the project (Cuu Long University, Hue Institute for development studies, Hue University of Economics).
The training, addressed to the universities staff involved in project design and management, combined a technical part based on the description of CBHE project proposal sections to a more applicative part capitalizing on experience, best practices and suggestions on how to write a successfull project proposal.
Practical examples focused on the topic of sustainable tourism in Viet Nam were provided, functional to the drafting, within the framework of STRIVE project, of an Erasmus+ CBHE project on the topic. Promote sustainable tourism is in fact considered by the project consortium as a priority for the country, as the tourism sector is experiencing rapid growth in Viet Nam, but still faces significant sustainability challenges.