CONVEGNO - Bologna - 10/03/2014

AlmaLaurea Conference - Bologna, 10th March

Entrepreneurship and innovation:
the graduates’ role


The 16th AlmaLaurea survey on graduates’ employment condition, involved this year nearly 450,000 graduates of the 64 Universities belonging to the AlmaLaurea Consortium. The survey collects information on the employment condition of students graduated in 2012, 2010, 2008 interviewed 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation.

The high response rates (86% at one year, 80% at three years and 75% at five years), guarantee the statistical reliability of the survey. The latter is an essential tool for assessing the external effectiveness of the Italian university system and for guiding students and graduates in taking educational and career choices.

Which is the alchemy required to allow our country to start growing again giving new hope to young people? The economic crisis has highlighted both the structural problems underlying the low growth rates recorded in Italy during the last 15 years and the clear difficulties encountered in restarting the economy after a most acute phase of recession. This has resulted in the failure to implement innovation and internationalization strategies, which would have allowed our country to enjoy the benefits of globalization and the single currency. The other side of the coin is that throughout these years our country has experienced brain drain phenomena, which have deprived it of its human capital assets and prevented it from growing.

The main topic to be addressed at the 16th AlmaLaurea Conference on the Graduates’ Employment Condition is that in order for our country to start on new grounds it is necessary to implement economic policies and institutional reforms targeted towards enhancing the value of the nation’s human resources and rapidly requalify its managing class. Over and above the conventional innovation support tools, other useful tools to achieve this goal are: promotion of the graduates’ entrepreneurship and of academic entrepreneurship as well as all those measures aimed at promoting reverse brain drain and brain circulation. Indeed, the loss of human capital is reversible and brain drain could at least turn into brain circulation by means of appropriate attraction policies including research promotion activities and measures to support new forms of entrepreneurship.

The issue of enhancing the value of human resources must extends beyond the national borders and is central to the debate on the economic scenarios of the Euro-Mediterranean area.


Last update March 6th 2014


09.30 AM
Welcome address:
Ivano DIONIGI (Rector of the University of Bologna, Italy)

Welcome by the Authorities:
Gian Luca GALLETTI (Ministry of Environment)
Beatrice DRAGHETTI (President of the Province of Bologna)

Chair: Fabio Alberto ROVERSI MONACO (President of AlmaLaurea)

10.15 AM
16th Survey on the Graduates’ Employment Conditions
Andrea CAMMELLI (Director and Founder of AlmaLaurea) and Francesco FERRANTE (UNICLAM and Scientific Committee of AlmaLaurea)

Greetings: Sandro SANDRI (Pro-Rector for Financial Statements, University of Bologna, Italy)

Chair: Angelo RICCABONI (Rector of the University of Siena - President of CRUI Foundation, Italy)

Special focus on:

11.00 AM
Graduates’ entrepreneurship
Silvia GHISELLI (AlmaLaurea) and Maurizio SOBRERO (University of Bologna, Italy)

11.30 AM
Sargis GHAZARYAN (Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Italian Republic)
Rade BERBAKOV  (First Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Rome)
Driss ROCHDI (Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Italy)
Zied BOUZOUITA (Consul of Tunisia in Genoa)

12.00 AM
Greetings: Dario BRAGA (Pro-Rector for Research, University of Bologna, Italy)

Panel discussion:
The role of universities in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship

Moderator: Patrizio BIANCHI (Councillor of School, professional training, university and research, labour, Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy)

Video interviews with new graduates who have started successful businesses

Carlo DELL’ARINGA (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Italy)
Domenico MAURIELLO (Unioncamere, Italy)
Laura RAMACIOTTI (University of Ferrara, Netval and Pnicube, Italy)
Allessandro LATERZA (Vice President for the Mezzogiorno, Italy)


2.30 PM
Greetings: Roberto NICOLETTI (Pro-Rector for the students and the institutional Communication, University of Bologna, Italy)

Chair: Andrea LENZI (President of Italian University Council – CUN)

Special focus on:

Italian graduates working abroad
Giancarlo GASPERONI (University of Bologna and AlmaLaurea) and Sara BINASSI (AlmaLaurea)

3.00 PM
Panel discussion:
International mobility of the Italian graduates: brain circulation or brain drain?

Moderator: Gianfranco VIESTI (University of Bari, Italy)

Video interviews with Italian emigrated graduates

Mauro SIRANI FORNASINI (Chief Executive Officer - Intertaba Spa)
Lorenzo BELTRAME (Institute for advanced studies on science, technology and society)
Simona MILIO (London School of Economics, Aspen Report on brain drain)
Maurizio MARCHESINI (President of Confindustria of Emilia Romagna region)

4.30 PM
Greetings: Patrizia TULLINI (Pro-Rector for University Staff)

Panel discussion:
International graduates’ mobility and harmonization of higher education in a Euro-Mediterranean perspective: the contribution of AlmaLaurea

Moderator: Gianna FREGONARA (Corriere della Sera) and Andrea CAMMELLI (Director of AlmaLaurea)

Presentations by representatives from partner institutions participating in international projects managed by AlmaLaurea
Ljiljana MRKIC POPOVIC (Rector of the University of Arts in Belgrade - Adria-Hub Project involving Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro)
Ilan CHET (Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean)
Abdelaziz SADOK (Rector of the University of Oujda, Morocco)
Abdelwaheb DOGUI (Rector of the University of Monastir, Tunisia)
Hovhannes Vache TOKMAJYAN (Rector of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia) - The Speech
Nina ARNHOLD (Higher Education Specialist MENA Countries, World Bank)
Riccardo Maria MONTI (President of ICE - Italian Trade Promotion Agency)

5.15 PM
Romano PRODI



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Aula Absidale di Santa Lucia

Via de' Chiari, 25/A - 40124 Bologna (BO)

Tel: +39 051 2099071





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tel. + 39 051 6088919
fax. + 39 051 6088988

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40134, Bologna - Italy
tel. + 39 051 6144004
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Press Office AlmaLaurea
Giorgia Chicarella
tel. + 39 051 6088954
cel. +39 349 3200938
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