PhDs' Profile

This is our annual survey outlining the characteristics and performance of PhDs who graduated from AlmaLaurea member universities.

These documents are currently only available in Italian.

After some pilot studies, since 2015 AlmaLaurea has been carrying out an annual Survey on the Profile of PhDs. Such Survey provides a broad portrait of the characteristics of PhDs, of the teaching and research activities carried out, of the experiences gained during university and of the evaluation of their completed educational path.
The rich informative value is ensured by integrating the statistical documentation from the survey questionnaire with the administrative data provided by our member universities.

9th Survey (2024)
PhDs’ Profile

phds 2023

Employment status of PhDs

This is the survey mapping the job placement of PhDs who graduated from AlmaLaurea member universities

In-depth studies

Learn more about specific topics of interest, infographics on professions and degree programme classes.

Previous surveys